In the case of wife abuse - Entertainmentnews


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Thursday, July 9, 2020

In the case of wife abuse

In the case of wife abuse

In the case of wife abuse, 2 ex-friends of Johnny Depp came to the rescue
NEW YORK  - Hollywood actor Johnny Depp, 56, has filed a lawsuit against a British newspaper for writing a false article, and two of the actor's former female friends have testified and recorded a statement in his favor.  Johnny Depp, best known for his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the film Pirates of the Caribbean, filed a lawsuit in a London court in April 2018 against the British newspaper The Sun for writing a false article.  In his article, he described Johnny Depp as a 'wife abuser' and how Johnny Depp tortured his wife in the worst possible way.  His ex-wife, Amber Heard, was also portrayed as an oppressed woman. After the article was published by the newspaper, Johnny Depp filed a lawsuit against the newspaper in a British court.  He had also filed a claim for a million euros in damages and has had several hearings. The latest hearing in the case was scheduled for early March, however.  The hearing was adjourned due to the Corona lockdown, but when the case was heard on May 13, French-born singer and actress Vanessa Paradise, 47, and American actress and producer Vanona Ryder, 48, filed statements in favor of Johnny Depp.  Speaking openly about Johnny Depp's personality, his habits and his character, he called him a decent man. A statement submitted to the court by French actress and singer Vanessa Paradise said that he had met Johnny Depp 14 times.  They spent the year and both raised two children. He said that in 14 years, he had never seen Johnny Depp angry or violent with himself, nor had the actor ever run into him on any issue.  Similarly, American actress and producer Vonona Ryder also spoke in favor of Johnny Depp, saying that he also spent many years with the actor but he never saw the actor in a state of anger.  According to him, there was a romantic relationship between him and Johnny Depp and they had a pleasant situation  He had a good time with Johnny Depp, never raising his hand or using violence against him. He wrote in his statement that the allegations made by Johnny Depp's wife, actress Amber Heard, were true.  Can't admit, because Johnny Depp had never treated her like that. The court adjourned the case till July after both the actors made statements in favor of Johnny Depp.  A statement from Herd's team added that one woman's experience with any man could not be compared to another woman's experience.

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